Psychological Safety
This is a space for those who are interested in how we become more psychologically informed* as a sector supporting those experiencing homelessness. This space will be held three times a year and will be an opportunity to share updates both locally and nationally.
Key areas of focus are:
Reflective Practice
Updates from other wider TIP Networks
Learning opportunities in psychologically informed practices
Chance to meet others, network and share own learning
B&H Temporary Accommodation Action Group (TAAG)
The B&H Temporary Accommodation Action Group (TAAG) is open to all with an interest in improving Temporary Accommodation (TA) locally so that it is shorter, safer and healthier.
If you would like to attend please contact Mark.
Find out more about TAAGS here.
Writing Funding Applications – Crawley Community Action
Writing grant applications and funding bids is challenging and time consuming. This workshop will guide you through the process of project planning while helping you to understand the key principles of writing applications and avoiding commonly made mistakes.
Through writing exercises and discussion, you will explore:
How to understand what funders want
Interpreting funding criteria
Clarifying your objectives and outcomes
Developing a structured approach to planning, writing and editing a funding application.
This workshop is ideal for people with some experience of writing funding applications, looking to apply for larger amounts of funding (£1500+).
Trauma-informed Care in Practice
The Practice Networks are uniting experts from Changing Futures and the area’ support sector to share vital Trauma-informed best practice with frontline workers, just like you!
Learn together and network with your community at Brighton’s Justlife Hub – to book a space, or find out more, email
Learning Lunch: Domestic Abuse
The Brighton & Hove Frontline Network, part of the national Frontline Network, hosts Learning Lunches every month - a space by frontline workers for frontline workers sharing best practice and shining a light on different local services.
This Learning Lunch will be focused on the topic of Domestic Abuse.
Who for:
These events are for any support workers from the public, statutory and voluntary sectors working on the frontline with those experiencing homelessness.
For more information and to book a place please contact
Supporting Clients Transition from Children's to Adult Services Webinar
The Sussex VCSE Mental Health Network are running a FREE webinar, in partnership with network member Certified Minds Limited...
Time and Location: 8th November (12.30-1.15pm, online via Teams)
Do you support young adults as they transition from using children’s mental health services to adult services?
Would you like guidance and learn approaches for supporting young adults as they transition to using adult mental health services?
Think you know about communication in homelessness settings? Think again.
Think you know about communication in homelessness settings? Think again.
Leigh Andrews, author of "You all talk too much": meeting communication needs in homelessness settings, speech and language therapist (SLT), and CEO of charity Change Communication, will talk about the widespread misunderstandings of communication in work with people experiencing multiple exclusion homelessness.
If you think most of our communication is expressed through body language and that speech and language therapists help people talk like the royal family, this webinar with Leigh, who has worked in homelessness settings for over 25 years, is for you.
Homeless Health Conference
This is the fifth Homeless Health Conference hosted by Arch Healthcare and the Brighton & Hove Frontline Network.
This free event provides a valuable opportunity for professional development and improve awareness of the reality that people facing homelessness in Brighton and Hove experience, including commonly related health issues and exploring the types of support available locally.
Who for:
Anyone working to support people experiencing homelessness in Brighton & Hove.
The event is now full and a waiting list is in operation.
If you would like further information or join the waiting list, please contact
Trauma-informed Care Best Practice
The East and West Sussex Practice Networks are uniting experts from Changing Futures Sussex, CGL (Change, Grow, Live) and Stonepillow to share vital Trauma-informed best practice with frontline workers.
Learn together and network with your community at All Saints Church, Eastbourne.
To book a place, email
Psychological Safety
This is a space for those who are interested in how we become more psychologically informed* as a sector supporting those experiencing homelessness. This space will be held three times a year and will be an opportunity to share updates both locally and nationally.
Key areas of focus are:
Reflective Practice
Updates from other wider TIP Networks
Learning opportunities in psychologically informed practices
Chance to meet others, network and share own learning
Being Trauma-informed and Trauma-sensitive in Practice
This July, we’re uniting with Changing Futures Sussex to share valuable Trauma-informed best practice with frontline workers.
Join us at Rooms in Worthing for a workshop with a difference – we guarantee pastries, vital learnings and networking opportunities.
Sign up for free!
PLEDGE: Committing to Best Practice Against Gender-Based Violence
PLEDGE is an in-person/online hybrid event that unites DA (Domestic Abuse), SVA (Sexual Violence and Abuse) and VAWG (Violence Against Women and Girls) frontline workers to share their stories and learnings.
Speakers will discuss learnings from their roles and metrics for success, shining a light on their vital work that will benefit anyone engaging with Multiple Compound Needs clients.
Together, we’ll strive to establish and commit to a series of pledges that mutually benefit support workers and their clients!
East Sussex County Council and the East Sussex Practice Network are uniting to bring frontline workers from across East Sussex together in a safe space.
West Sussex Workshop: Interactive Learning Event
We appreciate that getting eLearning ticked off can be a challenge for busy staff, and Aneemo is working hard to make it digestible for support workers!
Here at Changing Futures and Justlife, we want to go one step further, uniting West Sussex’s frontline community to learn together – there’s a free healthy lunch for you too!
Wellbeing Workshop – Looking After Ourselves
We have invited Rosaria Gracia, a renowned health specialist and university lecturer, to help us learn how we can support our wellbeing through her exclusive Movement Bites exercises.
Rosaria will be on hand to answer any questions, plus provide practical, applicable hints and tips specifically for busy workers.