Glossary of Terms

The Language of the Support Sector is ever-changing, and Changing Futures Sussex has made incredible strides to evolve and unify our outdated vernaculars. Here, we share terms vital to the Practice Networks – have any suggestions?

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ABI – Acquired Brain Injury

Used to describe all types of brain injury that occur after birth. The brain can be injured as a result of TBI (traumatic brain injury), stroke or brain tumour.

AFeO Funding – Accommodation For Ex-Offenders Funding

Accommodation For Ex-Offenders funding enables local authority-led schemes to increase the offer to people leaving prison, by supporting private rented sector accommodation.

AMPH – Approved Mental Health Professional

Approved Mental Health Professionals are registered professionals who have undertaken additional training, to carry out specific duties under the Mental Health Act of 1983. Amongst other duties, AMPH personnel are responsible for setting up and coordinating assessments under the Mental Health Act.

If necessary, AMPHs should make applications to detail (“section”) people in hospitals for the assessment and treatment of their mental health needs.

ARBD – Alcohol-Related Brain Damage

Alcohol-related brain damage is a brain disorder. It’s caused by a person regularly drinking too much over several years. People who get ARBD are generally aged 40-50.

ASB – Antisocial Behaviour

Antisocial behaviour is defined as ‘behaviour by a person which causes, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to persons not of the same household as the person’.

ATR – Alcohol Treatment Requirement

Can be made as part of a Community Order or a Suspended Sentence Order if:

  • The person accused is alcohol dependent.

  • The dependency requires and may be susceptible to treatment.

  • Arrangements have been or can be made for treatment. The aim is ultimately to reduce or eliminate the offender’s dependence on alcohol.

More to follow…